The IUP Journal of English Studies :
Abstract |
The key to successful communication is intensive listening and keen observation. A lot of English language usage, such as vocabulary, grammatical structure, intonation, accent, and interpretation, is learned easily by listening. New words and expressions are learned easily by reading and listening to simplified language, dialogues, and comic strips. The teacher of English should be judicious in choosing the comics because some of them with idiomatic expressions are difficult to understand. It has been observed that serious and adventurous comics are easy to understand than funny ones. Students who find it difficult to read each word and comprehend the theme in a passage or a story or a narration will find it easy in a medium of comics. Writing a paragraph, writing a set of instructions, writing a set of recommendations, and dialogue writing are taught easily by using comics as a literacy tool. This paper discusses how using suitable comic strips in the teaching and learning process will enhance the vocabulary enrichment, grammatical structures, and the language usage of engineering students. |
Description |
Language is a system of signs designed by human beings for the purpose of communicating
their ideas and thoughts to others. Each language has sound patterns called ‘words,’
which refer to objects, incidents, and activities closely associated with human experience.
Word symbols may be oral or written. In certain languages like Chinese or ancient Egyptian,
words are written in forms which bear resemblance to the objects that they are meant to
denote. On the other hand, modern languages use artificial symbols for economy and
ease of expression. Words in language not only convey the meaning but also have emotional
overtones, which in turn condition the behavior of the people.
According to Bruner (cited in Cabahug 2012), man in the course of evolution has
developed systems to implement his actions with increasing efficiency, first by developing the use of tools as an extension of his motor capacities, next by developing signal systems
to extend his sensory capacities, and lastly by developing symbolic systems for conveying
the experience of real and imaginary things. These three changes coincide with the three
levels of representation: enactive, iconic, and symbolic. The symbolic representation uses
the language system. Hence, language is one of the ways of expressing the symbolic
representations, and it is a tool to enhance the nature and quality of thoughts.