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The IUP Journal of Soft Skills
Time – Your Workplace Ally

In today’s competitive organizational scenario, along with our expertise and skills, it is very important to also be able to show large productivity, which in simple layman terms is, “how much work can we get done in how much time?” We hem and haw and struggle to find the right way to divide our time to complete all our official tasks, whilst also ensuring that we have the time for our personal tasks. In the midst of all this, what really take a hit are our leisure hours where we have no time for ourselves, which thus leads to stress and loss of good health. It has thus become very important to make time for our friend, our ally, and to find a way to work together with it, to not only achieve all that we want to, but also relax and give time for our learning and growth. This paper looks at a few simple techniques that can help achieve these objectives.


From business leaders who run billion-dollar organizations to executives who operate an enormous number of projects, to housewives who are involved in a multitude of daily activities, to students who have lots of studious and recreational goals—for every one of the above, there is one factor that helps accomplish more and more. That factor is ‘managing time’!

Time Management – Plan

So how does one manage time? Countless books have tried answering this, however, the most relevant answer is that we cannot manage time! We can only manage ourselves and our activities in the given time. So, how do we do that? In this paper, we use a simple acronym that helps us take many techniques and apply them—the solution is just to PLAN—that is, to

(a) Prioritize
(b) Learn
(c) Action
(d) Now
Let us explore what each of these means and how we can go about doing them.


Soft Skills Journal, Time, Your Workplace, Time Management, Plan, Prioritize, Learn, Breaking Down Tasks, Ally.