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The IUP Journal of Supply Chain Management :
Green Supply Chain Management: A Literature Review

In India, Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) as a concept is gaining its pace, and in a broader sense, there have been works in the areas of research opportunities in GSCM, impact of GSCM on economic, social and financial performances, different types of pressure, enablers, drivers, barriers, conflicts and benefits of GSCM practices, designing structural models and testing its implications, comparing green practices among companies within nation and among companies of different nations, finding key words pertaining to GSCM practices, etc. Pragmatically, these concepts have been followed by the corporate and the same has been reflected in their annual sustainability reports. The paper makes an attempt at simplifying the overall factors under the circle of GSCM through a review of literature.


Supply Chain Management (SCM) has been perceived as one of the key aspects for organizational long-term sustainability in terms of revenue maximization, profit maximization or increase in the number of end users. In the era of cut-throat competition for market share capitalization, organizations get diluted from their responsibility towards society and environment. Sometimes it happens that the organizations fulfill these roles as obligation in order to convince the governing bodies. It is imperative to align the sourcing, manufacturing, distribution, transportation and remanufacturing/recycling process with the goal of reducing organizations’ carbon footprint. Green supply chain integrates environmental thinking into the supply chain, including sourcing, design, manufacturing, logistics and even in the flight management after the product has become obsolete. This further gives scope in identifying the enablers affecting the implementation of the green supply chain and benefits associated through Green SCM (GSCM) practices. Many companies from different sectors have increased consciousness about the world environmental problems that exist such as using toxic substances, increasing global warming and decrease in the earth’s resources. Change is inevitable and the sooner the Indian companies realize the importance of adapting eco-friendly business, the better it is to compete in the global markets. Towards this end, industries have been putting forward one or the other form of annual sustainability reports.


Supply Chain Management Journal, Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM), Supply Chain Management (SCM), Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM), Literature Review.