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The IUP Journal of Soft Skills
How to Walk Your Talk: Effective Use of Body Language for Business Professionals

Personal and professional relations are built on human communication. And, body language plays an important role in human communication. Before we created words to communicate with each other, we used expressions and gestures to communicate. Research confirms that 60 to 90% of our communication with others is nonverbal; it means body language is vital. In addition, it is particularly essential to make a good first impression, because in the first few minutes of meeting someone, we make the first impression. Thus, the way we present ourselves in those first few minutes could make or break what could potentially be very important to us. Hence, the paper focuses on various aspects of body language for building rapport with others and at the same time to create a positive self-impression.


Human beings cannot survive without each other; in other words, we are all dependent on each other for our survival. And, we need to communicate with each other for the same. Thus, communication has become the lifeblood without which we cannot progress in personal or professional life. The growing importance of communication in each and every field has created an awareness about using body language effectively. It is our body language which makes our communication complete. When thinking about body language, one needs to remember that our overriding objective is to ensure that the audience listens to what we have to say, and is not distracted by the way we are saying it, consciously or subconsciously. Body movements and gestures are unconscious forms of expressions and therefore they have a language of their own. When we communicate, 99% of our concentration remains on the subject matter and we remain unaware of our gestures and body movements. But one can easily understand our mood, intention and thoughts if one notices our gestures and movements.


Soft Skills Journal, How to Walk Your Talk, Body Language, Business Professionals