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HRM Review magazine:
Creating the Empowered

Creating the empowered in the real sense requires a relentless pursuit of the transfer of power and authority with missionary zeal and sacrificial intent, faith to trust the respective empowered individual. Empowerment, like love, thrives on freedom. Interpersonal trust, belief in abilities, unflinching support and genuine concern for people, are the cornerstones for empowering individuals. Empowerment as an initiative should germinate in the hearts and the minds of the individuals.

After having made the earth and all that is within, the Bible records that the Creator exclaimed, "...... let us make man in our own image, after our likeness and let them have dominion over all the earth..." (Genesis 1:26). Ever since, God seemingly has not interfered directly in any of the human affairs unless invited. As the scripture says, it was the Creator's desire to see that man and only man had dominion over the earth regardless of what he or she did with it. Creating the empowered in the real sense requires a relentless pursuit of transfer of power and authority with missionary zeal and sacrificial intent, the intent to trust the empowered individual.

Employee empowerment happens to be one of the most preached about concepts in management parlance. In spite of the large pool of literature, countless seminars, conferences and talks, real empowerment starts and ends in the heart of the individual who decides to practice empowerment.



Empowered, relentless, sacrificial intent, Interpersonal trust, belief in abilities, unflinching support, genuine, concern for people, initiative, germinate, dominion, interfered, scripture, authority, missionary zeal, sacrificial intent, preached, parlance, literature, countless seminars, conferences and talks, real empowerment.