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HRM Review magazine:
Employee Empowerment and Cultural Dimensions

This article provides an insight into employee involvement, participation and empowerment, which are used interchangeably as strong assets of an organization, but their interpretations are different. It enumerates the merits and demerits of empowering employees and a model for empowerment. This sound management tool also has its connection with culture, which is related to leadership, motivation and organization structure.

Escalating growth of large number of international firms operating in a dynamic environment of diverse cultural traditions, social unrest, volatile political regimes, well-organized social protest groups and technological leaps and bounds, has given rise to the need to seek for best risk management model for growth and success.

Managers are cautioned of the potential additional risk due to above-mentioned disruptions and advised to seek for external opportunities and threats as against internal strengths and weakness. This procedure has surfaced the role of employees to use the language of responsibility by expressing their views and opinions, and actively participating in decision-making.

In this complex area of people management paradigms, empowerment, involvement and participation are the most modern tools and a matter of high concern for the managers . Though these words are similar, their interpretations are distinguished based on management perspectives.



Involvement, participation, empowerment, assets, organization, interpretations, enumerates, sound management, culture, leadership, motivation, structure,escalating growth, dynamic environment, cultural traditions, social unrest, volatile political regimes, leaps and bounds, risk management,growth, success, disruptions, threats,strengths, weakness..