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HRM Review magazine:
Empowering Ordinary People for Extraordinary Results

Companies tend to receive extraordinary results from ordinary people, and as a result, become successful. It will be amazing if the companies can understand and be sensitive to the extraordinary potential of the employees. It embodies on the fact that trust acts as a barrier between the employees and the management.

It is truism that people are an organization's most valuable asset and the best insurance to stay competitive in the uncertain and turbulent business environment. Everything elseproduct, process, and infrastructure-can be replicated, but not the people. Companies need extraordinary results, but there are more ordinary people than extraordinary people. The overriding constraint is that the pool of extraordinary people is limited. The only plausible option is to make ordinary people give extraordinary results. Companies have a huge HR task of translating the ordinary into extraordinary in order to be successful.

Employee empowerment can provide a means of converting ordinary looking people to most extraordinary performers, as the idea of empowering an employee implicitly recognizes the humane approach to the issue of people management. It is reposing trust and confidence in the employee's abilities and providing an opportunity to the individual to blossom. The organization has, of course, the responsibility to foster a participative work culture. The workplace facilitates in unleashing the untapped potential of employee's creativity and motivation to solve business problems in the competitive business environment. Putting pride into work and making it more meaningful, functional latitude and tolerance for genuine mistakes are some of the effective ways to motivate and empower employees.



Successful, insurance, competitive, turbulent, environment, process, replicated, constraint, translating, empowerment, converting ,implicitly , management, reposing, trust, confidence,opportunity , blossom, foster, culture, unleashing , potential ,creativity, motivation, competitive ,meaningful, functional latitude, tolerance, genuine, mistakes, motivate , empower, truism.