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HRM Review magazine:
Women Managers at the threshold of gender equality

The rare endowment of capacity for endurance enables women managers to explore the possibilities of compromises and amicable settlements in cases of dispute, unlike their male counterparts who tend to be a little impulsive and even dogmatic on occasions. Further, the women also have an innate desire to build up things, be they business relationships, collective approaches, or cooperative initiatives. Fighting against male prejudices, social injunctions and domestic compulsions, they are heading fast towards the goal of "gender equality".

When Bhagavat Geetha, revered to contain the wisest of sayings, describes a woman to be versatile enough to don the different mantles of a mother, assistant, advisor and wife, can't she shoulder the responsibilities of a manager? Surely, the inspiring annals of the female human species are replete with a number of women having made their mark as great leaders, like Indira Gandhi, Margaret Thatcher, Chandrika Kumaratunge, Golda Meir to name a few.

Still, to a "man", it is not so appealing to visualize a woman managerially gesturing from an executive's chair to her office mates conveying decisions, instructions and advices. He does not credit her with that "sterner stuff"- ambition, or with the "decisive attitude", or with the "capacity to manage a crisis", or having "firmness" or "sine qua non" for an executive's chair to confront and overcome all resistance and to enforce discipline and order. But the success stories of many a woman belie these notions.



Endurance, compromises, amicable settlements, dispute, impulsive, dogmatic, collective approaches, male prejudices, social injunctions, domestic compulsions, gender equality, revered, versatile, gesturing, conveying decisions, instructions, advices, decisive attitude, capacity, manage a crisis, firmness, resistance.