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Advertising Express Magazine:
Creativity in Commercials: A Focus on Strategy

Creativity is a vital mantra for any advertising agency aspiring to survive and succeed in the ever-evolving media world. Yet, creativity is very elusive when it comes to the development and execution of advertising campaigns. The recent trend vividly shows the enormous requirement of creative professionals in the media business. Ad agencies are trying hard to develop creative commercials so as to differentiate themselves from their competitors, but the effect of the effort is yet to achieve its requisite impact. The concept of creativity is elusive to media personnel and also creates a dilemma in their minds about striking a balance between creativity and information in advertisements.


Creativity is always exciting, but elusive to many. For years, many have been debating the origin of creativity - whether it is an inborn gift or a cultivated effort. Gurus like Edward De Bono, who wrote books on `Lateral Thinking', discussed at length about how creativity could be systematically created. From maestros to common men, all intend to use creativity in their work in order to be different from others and achieve the benefits of such differentiation. In general, creativity is the generation and presentation of novel ideas, which are different and innovative, across a target audience. This tradition was adopted by the advertising agencies to create and display advertisements which primarily contained eye-catching illustrations to create a recall value. When the scenario developed, many modern techniques were adopted for bringing out creative advertisements.

Figure 1 vividly shows the difference between the two diagrams under numbers (1) and (2). It shows that if the same structure is converted into an interesting figure , it can draw the attention of the viewers. In the advertising world, application of creativity is like a double-edged blade, i.e., an overdose of creativity can cloud the actual impact of the message which the advertisment ought to convey. It is essential that creativity lives up to the expectations of the goals of an effective advertisement, i.e., reach, recall and sales. In most cases, creative advertisements achieve the two initial goals but often fail to achieve the third and the most vital one, i.e., sales. Creative professionals ought to remember all the goals of advertisements while creating them.


Advertising Express Magazine, Advertising Agency, Advertising Campaigns, Creative Advertisements, Promotion Campaign, Unique Selling Proposition, USP, Brand Names, Business Strategies, Communication Objectives, Advertising Objectives, Stunning Advertisements.