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HRM Review Magazine:
Social Visibility: As an HR Practice

Growing complexity of `workplace management' along with business priorities poses a challenging scenario for the aspiring executives in the corporate world. The employer alone cannot determine what constitutes their job. Situational analysis and timely decision-making form the hallmark of a wise executive and enable him to take care of `shareholders' and `stakeholders' on equal footing. This makes us to put forward the concept of `social visibility' that constitutes the core job of `effective executive' for achieving organizational and personal goals.


`If you tolerate injustice, it will multiply,' says Neelima Tirumalasetti who made news recently by taking her US employer, Caremarks, to the court on charges of racial discrimination. "If we don't fight, thousands of our colleagues will have to suffer silently," are her warning words. The growing awareness on `workplace management' finds justification in view of the complex atmosphere generated in most corporate undertakings across the globe. The much-talked globalization and the deep impact it created on the organizational front gives rise to a set of problems connected with enterprises management, be it in manufacturing or service sectors. As described above, the agony of some of the sensitive employees working in various capacities needs ample attention not only for addressing the workplace problems they face but also for transforming `image' the company enjoys in society. The Neelima episode, which took place at Caremark, Richardson, Texas, best illustrates the direction in which the executives must reformulate their management policies.

Avoiding disputes arising at the workplace due to racial, gender, regional, cultural, qualification, and language bias among workers assumes priority in the wake of heterogeneous workforce that is developed in the companies as per the demand made by the market forces across the globe. This seems to be justified if not for strengthening employee morale but for developing a `social visibility' to the company that demands the executive cadre to implement a set of management practices. The young clan of executives coming from sophisticated `B-schools' and `metropolitan' background needs to be equipped with an `objective' bent of mind for achieving harmonious work culture through a framework of operations for which attention is devoted here. This becomes more inevitable because of external factors like -recruitment of talent that caters to diverse markets across the continents.


HRM Review Magazine, Social Visibility, HR Practice, Workplace Management, Decision-Making Process, Enterprises Management, Management Policies, Pharma Industry, FMCG Products, Fast Moving Consumer Goods, Media Campaign, Healthcare Systems, Communication Technology, Asset Management, Knowledge Warehousing.