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Advertising Express Magazine:
Branding Rural Tourism for Sustainable Economic Development

One of the areas where our country has been recently focusing on is rural tourism. With rich diverse culture, food, and religion, we have all the potential to grow in this segment of tourism. What is required is a better branding of the destinations and a little more focus. Developing rural destinations will give those regions a source of extra livelihood and help them develop. But lack of air connectivity and awareness about the benefits of tourism, and the absence of a joint strategy are the factors affecting the development of tourism in the rural areas.


There has been a rapid growth in production and consumption worldwide that has contributed to some of the great negative and very few positive changes. Ozone depletion, climate change and deterioration of the ecosystem are some of the areas of concern. Debates have risen across the world on economic growth to environment depletion. It is now evident that the current state is leading us to nowhere. As a consequence, governments and businesses have been seeking environmental development solutions that address issues, such as waste reduction, energy efficiency, pollution prevention, and preservation of wildlife and cultural heritage.

One more major problem that the governments of the developing nations are facing today is the rise of the unemployment figures, disguised employment, regional disparities, existence of dualism and poverty in the rural regions.

Leaders in various fields of life are approaching with innovative solutions to the issues of sustainable development of these rural regions. Governments have started to understand that sustainability involves a greater more challenge.


Advertising Express Magazine, Branding Rural Tourism, Sustainable Economic Development, Ozone Depletion, Economic Growth, Environment Depletion, European Community, Rural Tourism, Brand Equity, Adventure Tourism, Rural Tourism Development, Destination Marketing Plans.