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Advertising Express Magazine:
Holistic Branding : A New Approach

With the rapid globalization and widespread technological developments, marketing as a discipline is taking a new course. Along with this, traditional branding practice is slowly giving way to the latest branding practice of the modern times. This is known as "holistic branding". This article is an introductory note on the evolving concept. It highlights the basic concepts associated with the new approach and its importance for companies.


The importance of brand for companies as well as consumers was unquestionable for a period of over two to three decades. Its definitions, functions and characteristics have been studied to a large extent. But the mid-1990s onwards, brands have become the center for further concerns and questions. Generally, a brand is a differentiator, a promise and a license to charge premium. According to some authors, a brand is a mental shortcut that discourages rational thought, infusing with the spirit of the maker, and a naming that invites the essence to inhabit this body. A brand is also considered as a performance, a gathering and an inspiration. A brand is a semiotic enterprise of the firm, the companion spirit of the firm and a hologram of the firm. Further, a brand is considered to be a contract, a relationship, a guarantee; an elastic covenant with loose rules of engagement; a non-zero sum game; improvizational theater at best; and guerrilla theater at worst.

According to the same authors, brands provide the impetus for generics and voluntary simplicity, as well as targets for demonstrations of cultural nationalism. McDonaldization, Coca-Colonization, and Disneyfication are the live examples for us. The globalization of markets and the widespread technological and cultural development all over the world had their effect on brands also. The market dynamics have led marketers and scholars to re-look into the erstwhile brand and branding concept. One offshoot of such a revolutionary thinking is the holistic branding approach. This concept took birth in the minds of Schmidt and Ludlow in the beginning of the current millennium. They advocate the holistic approach to brands. This article highlights the "holistic branding" approach, its benefits and the process of realizing a "holistic brand".


Advertising Express Magazine, Holistic Branding, Technological Developments, Semiotic Enterprise, Coca-Colonization, Market Dynamics, Products and Services, Corporate Culture, Corporate Behavior, Emotional Selling Proposition, ESP, Data Mining, Internal Communications, Marketing Strategies, Brand Positioning, Market Segmentation .