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Advertising Express Magazine:
Involve to Evolve : The CEM Way

In the current competitive scenario, it is not just retaining the existing customers but even attracting new customers has become a formidable task for marketers. It seems the market and organizations are finally shifting gears from being product-centric to a customer-centric. Product, Place, Pricing or PromotionInnovation is the name of the game. There is a clear emphasis on engaging the customer and offering him a better control, convenience and choice at each step in the purchase process. So, the customer is at the helm of strategic priorities and experience has become a major distinguisher for sustenance in almost every sector.


Saravana Stores is a plush mall in the crowded hub of T Nagar, Chennai. The moment you step in, a traditional Indian welcome with the quintessential tikka, fragrance and shower of petals awaits you at the entrance by an attractive crew dressed up in classic Kanjeevaram silk saris. That's not all a red carpet is already stretched out for you completing the hospitality rituals, making you feel absolutely special. Once you enter the ambience, courteousness of staff engages you further literally a compelling impulse of purchase arouses and ensuring that next time around you are back with a few more admirers and even better purchase plans.

The price not withstanding, simply imagine the experience. You are at an ice cream parlor with your family and the service boy offers you a spoonful of 31 flavors in an exhilarating ambience. Sounds unbelievable!? But at Baskin Robbins eating an ice cream is an absolutely wonderful experience. "Anything can happen over coffee" becomes much more than a mere punch line, because the variety in coffee apart, you are totally bowled over by the sheer experience you are treated to at a Café Coffee Day or a Barista outlet in your city, where you can dedicate a song or even put in your valuable feedback for the menu.


Advertising Express Magazine, CEM Way, Promotion Innovation, Café Coffee Day, Customer Experience Management , CEM, Customer Relationship Management, CRM, Entertainment Sector, Media and Technology, Visual Merchandising, Online Innovations, LG Electronics, Fast Moving Consumer Goods, FMCG, Services Marketing, Service Sectors.