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Advertising Express Magazine:
Women and Branding

The modern day Management Pandit and Marketing Guru Philip Kotler said, "Marketing is more important than production". In an environment as dynamic as the marketplace, survival depends on the ability to change marketing strategy, in consonance with the change in the markets themselves. In this context, it is not wrong to assert that women as consumers wield great financial power.


This article endeavors to pit a few commonly held opinions against equally commonly held beliefs and ignite thinking on the theme of the inevitability of women consumer-centric branding on television as the driving force of strategy. While opening up debate on Manufacturing vs. Marketing, Product vs. Brands, and Commodity vs. Concept, recourse has been taken to quoting of currently on the air television advertisements, so as to drive home the concept more lucidly and, perhaps forcefully. It becomes increasingly clear, as the article progresses, that bigger, better and wider business benefits are to be reaped when the brand is built, developed and treated as a human entity on our television screens and straight into our home and collective psyche.

The modern day management pundit and marketing guru Philiph Kotler said: "Marketing is more important than production". In order to move from a low-cost, average quality enterprise for domestic consumers to a high end, top of the line player for global consumers, business concerns need to move up the value chain. The essential tool for such a climb is branding, a part and parcel of the business strategy, which is the driving force of marketing potential.


Advertising Express Magazine, Women and Branding, Marketing Strategy, Business Strategy, Pharmaceuticals and Cosmetics Companies, MUV Automobile Manufactures, Eureka Forbes, Cadburys Chocolate, Organizational Process, Brand Marketing, Television Advertisements, Oxford Industries, Market Segmentation.