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Testimonial Advertising : Power of Evidence!

Marketers do believe that the `satisfied customers are the best advertisers' because they learn from their experience. Satisfied customers bring lots of business to the company by promoting the products and services among their family and friends by sharing their positive experiences. Very often, satisfied customers recommend a company and its products to their friends and relatives ensuring constant flow of new customers to the company. The real experience of a customer about a product narrated in the form of statement is called `testimonial'. Testimonial advertising uses the written or spoken statements/experiences of the satisfied customers. This article not only elucidates the relevance of testimonial for the businesses, but also talks about various ways to get testimonials from the customers/clients/experts in order to attract and retain their present and potential customers.


Nowadays, customers have become more skeptical than ever before. Very often, they ask the questions: "Why should I choose your products and services?", "What makes your products unique?", "What value will you bring to me that I can't find anywhere else?" Although marketing success depends on identifying and satisfying the needs and wants of customers efficiently and effectively, very often marketers find it very tough to convince the existing as well as potential customers regarding the company's offerings. One may be able to answer these questions with a strong assertion and daring claim; but it is very critical to convince the customers. To support any assertion, evidences work better than promises. If customers are satisfied, they always give a positive response about the product and services.

In the same way, real experiences of customers about the product catch the attention faster than anything else. As the testimonial given by customers is more realistic, it attracts the attention of the other customers. The real experiences in the form of statements given by a satisfied customer about a product or service of a company are called `testimonials'. Testimonial advertising does believe in highlighting and promoting a "written or spoken statement, sometimes from a public figure, sometimes from a private citizen, extolling the virtue of some product. The term `testimonial' most commonly applies to the sales pitches attributed to the ordinary citizens, whereas `endorsement' usually applies to sales pitches by celebrities (See also Testify, Testimony, for historical context and etymology)."

Nowadays, testimonial advertising has become very common in print as well as television advertising, particularly in infomercials. Very often, marketers feel that the use of testimonials adds a personal touch to their appeal and also portrays a populist image. A testimonial clearly represents all nice things about the product and service that have been experienced by a customer and highlights all the success he/she has achieved and finally recommends the product or service to the prospective customers.



Advertising Express Magazine, Testimonial Advertising, Marketing Tools, Customer Satisfaction, Customers Relationship Management, CRM, Marketing Management, Strategic Management, Business Environment, Tangible Evidence, Buyer Opposition.