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HRM Review Magazine:
HR Manager : Exploring New Dimensions

The role of the Human Resource Manager is changing in the competitive environment. He plays a crucial role in the future of an organization. HRM supports Strategic Management. Talent acquisition and retention has become a significant job of an HR Manager. The success of an organization depends on deploying employees who can adapt to and be comfortable in the changing environment. Acquisitions and mergers are taking place so rapidly that organizations have to grow by themselves or get `swallowed' by others. There is an increasing demand for HR personnel who are capable of managing the increasing workforce. This article focuses on the new perspective in the functioning of an HR Manager.


For many years it has been said that capital is the bottleneck for a development industry. I don't think this any longer holds true. I think it's the workforce and the company's inability to recruit and maintain a good workforce that does constitute the bottleneck for production.

The "people" aspect of management has changed so rapidly that it is now having a strong impact on the very structure of the organization. Today it is the firm's workforce, its knowledge and skill that provide competitive advantage for the organization. Globalization is compelling the organizations worldwide to adapt to the changes of the business environment. The key factors that are affecting HRM practices are engagement and retention of right talent, knowledge and innovation, managing work diversity.

For any organization, success depends on hiring the employees who can adapt to and be comfortable in a changing business environment. A lot of planning is required in designing the selection procedure to ensure the reliability and validity of getting the right individual. HR managers play a crucial role in identifying the right employee, which will enhance the job efficiency of the employees. The functioning of the HR manager has led to the emergence of new dimensions such as company branding—i.e., selling company profile to the prospective candidates because qualified and ambitious candidates prefer to join companies that promise good career planning.


HRM Review Magazine, Human Resource Managers, Human Resource Management, HRM, Strategic Management, Business Environment, Mergers and Acquisitions, M&A, Business Strategy, Organizational Culture, Performance Management, Organizational Change.