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HRM Review Magazine:
Morale : A Crucial Performance Driver

Out of all the resources available to the managers, management of human resources proves to be most intricate, due to the fact that it involves emotions of self as well as others. One interesting characteristic of human behavior is the tendency to react to a given situation. It has been noticed that neither everyone reacts the same way to a similar situation nor the same person reacts similarly under similar situations. What makes this difference is the psychology of human beings. The performance of an employee is affected by numerous factors. One such factor is "morale". This article discusses some aspects of morale as a performance driver.


Many a time it has been noticed that a star performer suddenly starts delivering poor results. There is lack of initiative and eagerness in him. He loses interest and keenness in his job. Generally self-driven, he waits to be commanded. This is a reflection of his low morale. Morale has been identified as the feeling of enthusiasm, zeal and confidence in an individual, which ultimately drives his performance. A person with high morale delivers commendable results and exhibits high degree of commitment. One should maintain his morale on the higher side in order to perform par excellence. It is also important for all managers and performers to ensure that the morale of all associated persons is maintained on the higher side. No one can perform well if he is not enthusiastic towards his assigned role in the organization. This enthusiasm or the morale acts as a hidden driving force and controls the performance of individuals as well as the organization.

Morale is the feeling of belief in self as well as in others. It is usually referred to as esprit de corps. It is the sensitivity of an employee towards his job, his team of coworkers, seniors and the organization. It reflects the individual's attitude towards his work, environment and the organization. Morale is one's passion for achieving the goals and objectives set for him. It acts as a performance driver and reduces frustration and discontent, absenteeism and employee turnover in an organization. It is one's readiness to shoulder responsibilities, to become part of the team and to contribute towards achievement of organizational goals.

If an individual is ardent and fervent towards accomplishing his goals in an effective and efficient manner, he is not only maintaining high morale but also is self-motivated to take initiative and behave proactively in performing his job. He has a positive approach towards his performance. As mentioned earlier, morale makes an individual self-motivated and acts as a driving force for better performance of both the self and the organization.


HRM Review Magazine, Morale, Human Resources Management, Human Behavior, Organizational Goals, Organizational Behavior, Organizational Attitude Survey, Business Strategies, O0rganisational Strategies, Service Organisations, Moral Intelligence, Leadership Styles.