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HRM Review Magazine:
Retrenchment of Workmen in Industries : Reflections

The article deals with the issue of retrenchment of workmen in Kinetic Motor Company Ltd., when it was taken over by Kinetic Engineering Ltd., from the Honda management. The options available were to `retrench' or `transfer' or `absorb' them in its establishments in Pune. The author was handling the retrenchment issue, but begs to differ with the decision to retrench them straightaway instead of exploring other avenues mentioned above. The retrenched labor had taken the matter to Labor Court/Industrial Court and the decision is awaited. The management's decision, in the author's opinion, is a backward step affecting the brand of Kinetic in days to come.


The relationship of employee and employer was formed during the era of industrial revolution. The master could engage a worker or fire him from the job, at his free will. The system of industrial life had its uncertainty. In order to protect the weaker section of workmen from the capricious actions of the managements governments all over the world had to step in or rein in the managements of industrial undertakings to pay some sort of compensation when workmen are retrenched for want of jobs.

The introduction of modern technology displaced many skilled labor in a considerable way. This upset the applecart as few people could get jobs against several people working before the introduction of new technologies. The company managements argued that they could employ or keep people on jobs so long as their services were competent enough in the competitive market. Since both the parties, employees and employers, have their own lines of arguments, the Government of India decided to protect the labor and at the same time laid restrictions on the management's right to fire workmen and keep with itself the power to grant retrenchment or layoff or closing down of industrial undertakings when approached by industrial undertakings.

The Industrial Disputes (ID) Act is considered the Magna Carta of industrial legislations. It was introduced in 1947 to regulate the relationship between the company management and the labor. It deals with the whole gamut of industrial relations between the labor and the management. The Act provides for settlement of industrial disputes through establishment of Works Committee and through the series of dispute settlement mechanisms like Conciliation Officers, Board of Conciliation, Court of Inquiry, etc.


HRM Review Magazine, Retrenchment of workmen, Kinetic Motor Company Ltd, Kinetic Engineering Ltd, Industrial Court, Industrial Disputes Act, Industrial Legislations, Industrial Tribunals, Labor Court, Llevels of Management, Industrial Law, Human Resources Management.