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HRM Review Magazine:
Role Perception : The Role it Plays

Perception is an influential phenomenon as people usually act upon their perceptions. Perception eventually transforms into reality. The absence of a distinctly defined role of employees and an amorphous perception of their roles and responsibilities in the organization may have a downturn effect on the employees' morale and self-esteem. Role Perception of the employees acts as one of the most critical components in the workplaces today. It also plays a key role in an individual's performance. A misty perception of the role may also lead to underperformance by and underutilization of the potential of the individual. Consequently, the organization may lose not only some vital man-hours but also some of the most competent employees, in the long run. It is, therefore, in the organization's interest to provide a clearly-defined role to every employee as a step towards combating the ever-increasing competition in the global milieu.


Perceptions differ from person to person and with respect to cultural differences. In present times, organizations are a mix of people representing diverse cultures. Therefore, at times there could be some perceptual errors and though it may not have any immediate effect, it can prove to be detrimental in the long run. The research work of German psychologist Helmholtz in 1868 can be considered as the oldest work on human perception. The research work in this area signifies the role of perception in human behavior.

Perception is one of the most important cognitive behaviors of the human beings. It is fundamentally a psychogenic process. It is the primary instrument using which individuals discern about their proximate environment. Role perception is a process by which individuals pick up, coordinate and translate the sensory stimulus into significant information relating to their work environment. Perception lies at the base of every human activity.

Role perception is another dimension and a key factor at the job front. Employees with an optimistic perception of their role and the workplace are less likely to indulge in perverted activities. Studies denote that personality acts as restraining factor: workplace perversion is more likely to be condoned with regard to an individual when the workplace perception is negative and also the conscientiousness and emotional stability is low (Colbert, Mount, Harter, Witt, & Barrick, 2004).


HRM Review Magazine, Role Perception, Human Behavior, Psychogenic Process, Human Sensory System, Organizational Citizenship Behavior , OCB, organizational Objectives, Globalization, Amalgamation, Organization Culture, Proximate Environment.