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MBA Review Magazine:
Empowerment : The Mantra of Modern Management

Though empowerment of the workers was not an accepted idea in the initial days, in today's competitive world organizations have accepted it as a measure to curb talent-drain. The success in performance made the top level managers include empowerment as one of the strategies to achieve better goals. With this, more and more areas have been selected for empowerment by various organizations. The success or failure of any program in an organization noticeably depends upon the initiative and involvement of top managers. This article is an effort to emphasize the empowerment concept and its benefits. The best executive is the one who has sense enough to pick good men to do what he wants done and self-restraint enough to keep from meddling with them while they do it.


Whether organization likes it or not to survive in the business, one has not only to adopt change but also develop new methods and implement it methodically to compete and excel in this era of cut-throat competition. Globalization and technology invasion affected one and all in every walk of life. Technology erased geographical boundaries and made global village a reality. This has created ample opportunities for the organizations to tap the potential from any part of the globe for their backward and forward integration according to their convenience. This break is being effectively utilized by many of them. On the one hand, corporate enjoys the fruit of liberalization but on the other hand, they have to prepare themselves to adjust with it. Advanced technology and globalization has opened its door wide to the chic and skilled employees to hunt for better pastures to work in any corner of the world.

Employees may leave the organization at any time to suit their needs. Above all, aggressive competitors and highly conscious consumers added worries to the organization in its fight for survival. `Perform or perish' has become the order of the day. This scenario has created a sense of uncertainty in the organization. It has made the management think rationally and takes courageous steps to redefine management and power utilization. Gone are the days, where management can dictate terms and cohesion to extract work from their employees. Instead bargaining power of employees in their area of specialization has increased with thriving opportunities. They are well aware about their value. They are also influenced by the advancement of information and experience, as a result acting wisely and handling their job with responsibility.


MBA Review Magazine, Modern Management, Liberalization, Privatisation, Globalization, LPG, Indian Technology, Taylor, Management Theory, Self-Governmental Institutions, Market Strategies, Organizational Goals, Business Environment, Multinational Corporations, MNCs.