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MBA Review Magazine:
Getting Organized for Improved Performance

Adhering to schedules and achieving goals in a cost-effective manner are critical for survival and growth of any performer. It is really necessary to identify the causes of inefficiency and get organized in order to enhance efficiency. Getting organized saves on limited resources and enables efficient performance. Organizing things alleviates work stress and gives relief from the fear of underperformance. It also makes the decision-making process effective. This article discusses the ways and means of getting organized in order to improve performance.


Organizing means planning activities in an efficient and effective manner. This is not only an important management function but is also equally important in our day-to-day lives. It is very easy to delay work or to underperform, but as managers we are expected to perform par excellence. This aim is achieved by proper planning of the work to be done, which is the key to better organization. Organizing saves the limited and valuable resources. It is also one step prior to implementation of the plan worked out for carrying on the activities. Organizing is related to preparation for work, carrying on the work with greatest efficiency and post-work housekeeping.

It is rightly said that prevention is better than cure. Preparation before jumping into any task is just like gathering information about the route or about the destination prior to setting off on the journey. Preparation for organizing starts with being proactive towards planning the work. This would involve many activities depending on the task. Some of the common points for preparation are discussed below.

It is always advisable to gather as much information about the task expected to be accomplished. This helps in arranging resources and carrying on the work in a most effective manner. Effectual decisions can be made in the light of gathered information. Correct decisions lead us to success and help in maintaining focus, which is necessary to avoid drifting away from predetermined objectives. Without the defined objectives, it becomes difficult to analyze the direction of movement. Decision-making with the help of gathered information and focusing on the task to be accomplished, should lead to objectivity. Objectivity decides the velocity.


MBA Review Magazine, Efficient Performance Organizing, Variance Analysis, VA, Personal Digital Assistant, PDA, Human Resources, Value Systems, Business Environment, Organisational Behavior, Organizational Goals.