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MBA Review Magazine:
Interview Skills

Why do applicants get rejected at the interview stage? What is the difference between employability and unemployability? All these questions have been addressed effectively and efficiently in this article. The basic definition, types and dos and don'ts of the interview are explained. The entire interview session process is divided into three phases such as pre-interview session, during interview and post-interview session. The probable questions which are likely to be asked and the tips during the interview are adequately addressed. This article is beneficial to those who are on the lookout for a job and also for those employees who want to change their jobs.


Job interview is a process in which a potential employee is evaluated by an employer for prospective employment in his/her company, organization, or firm. Interview is nothing but negotiation. It is a process where the employee interacts with the prospective employer and exhibits his hidden strengths and weaknesses, which will pave the way either for selection or rejection of the employee, based on certain requisite qualities and parameters. The employer has expectations of certain skills, abilities, competencies and qualifications and when the employee fills the bill by matching it with his expectations then the selection of the employee takes place.

No one wants a round peg in a square hole or a square peg in a round hole. If the round peg gets into a round hole or a square peg gets into a square hole then the matching becomes effective and efficient. And interview is just a matching of the same. It can also be called as an interaction or a question and answer session from the employers to the employees so as to check suitability and compatibility of the employee for the post. Big organizations will have formal and structured interviews whereas small organizations will have informal and unstructured interviews. For executive cadre or higher positions there will be two or more officers representing the employer will conduct the interview session. Fundamentally, the below mentioned are the types of interviews conducted by various organizations depending their requirement and convenience. And to some extent it also depends on the type of the post/slot the applicant opts for.

Structured Interview: It is also known as patterned interview. In this method, the questions are arranged in a structured manner in order to elicit information related to the suitability of the applicant. It filters the applicants from maximum to minimum in strength. It is mostly suitable for on-campus interviews.


MBA Review Magazine, Interview Skills, Interview Session Process, Body Language, Communication Skills, Emotional and Mental Stability, Structured Interviews, Unstructured Interview, Panel Interview, Behavioral Interview, Stress Interview, Organizing Planning Skills.