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MBA Review Magazine:
Multiple Intelligence Theory : Budding Intellects in Academics

Intelligence is sometimes innate and sometimes it depends on the culture and environment in which a person grows up. But intelligence can be developed. In order to prepare our students to face the obstacles of professional life, they need to be constantly bombarded by a variety of challenges.


Multiple Intelligence Theory was proposed by Howard Gardner in his book Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences in the year 1983. The theory states that every individual has eight set of intelligences in varying ranges. Students have their own set of intelligences and if those areas can be identified, the learning process can be more dynamic and effective. Learners with linguistic intelligence have the ability to memorize sentences and words better. They have a flair for learning different languages comparatively faster.

Students with logical/mathematical intelligence are good at analyzing data and interpreting information in a logical sequence. Spatial intelligence endows a person with the ability to visualize. Kinesthetic intelligence enables one to perform well in games and sports and also in the various forms of dance. People with musical intelligence have a musical bent of mind. The ones with interpersonal skills have strong social awareness and are extroverts. People with intrapersonal skills have self-awareness and work well individually. The ones with naturalistic intelligence prefer to be close to nature. Education can be individualized with the application of this theory.

Soft skills are said to be social skills, people skills or life skills. The paper on Soft skills is one of the core papers in the INC curriculum. We train our students in corporate etiquette and communication skills. Our students are managers of tomorrow. We need to cater to the industry requirements. When it comes to placements of our students and being soft skills trainers, we have been entrusted with responsibility of fuller development of the students' intellect and personality.


MBA Review Magazine, Multiple Intelligence Theory, Howard Gardner, Book Frames of Mind, Soft skills, Corporate Etiquette, Linguistic Intelligence, Economists, Spatial Intelligence, Naturalistic Intelligence, Multiple Intelligence Theory.