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Marketing Mastermind Magazine:
Global Remix : The Fight for Competitive Advantage

The book discusses the future directions of broader global business trends and how these are likely to impact on our businesses and ourselves. The rise of India, China and other Asian economies will lead to a shift of mass manufacturing to these countries. China accounts for one-third of the annual increase in oil consumption. The world may run out of oil in 40 years' time. At the corporate level, creative ideas may be the drivers for future competitive advantage. Employees have to reinvent themselves continually for survival in the corporate sector. University qualifications may not be enough and we have to develop our own unique identified skills. The author combines a rigorous analytical approach with a style that is entertaining, and easy to read.


Every type of communication is advancing at an unprecedented speed. Different forms of telecommunication such as mobile and Internet, and physical communication such as airports and container hubs, enable business practices to standardize and harmonize internationally. The Internet is the most empowering communication tool devised. As companies grow big, they can seek out extra efficiencies through disaggregation, or collaboration abroad. Supply chains have extended worldwide.

Some strategists and statisticians believe that India will be on a more equal footing with China, or even surpass it; and everyone agrees that by 2020 at the latest, India and China should have a seat at the G8 table. "Today both India and China are seeking to consolidate their image as the offshoring destinations of choice for Western companies by investing heavily in education and infrastructure" and "by 2020, Asia will be the predominant choice for any Western company wishing to offshore production" remarks the author. China has become the manufacturing base of the world. India has a prodigious work ethic apart from its low labor costs.

One half of India's 1.2 billion strong population is under 25 years of age and the education system is fast improving. In the coming decade, India will have a higher number of talented youngsters. India and China are developing highly educated, highly qualified scientists and technologists, who will become leaders in research areas from pharmaceuticals to biotechnology. With Asia becoming the world's main source of entrepreneurial growth, it could eventually lead to a brain drain from the West to the East.


Marketing Mastermind Magazine, Global Remix, Corporate Sector, knowledge Economy, Global Integrated Enterprise , GIE, Global Economies, Corporate Goals, Gross Domestic Products, GDP, Customer Relationship Management, Customer Managed Relationship, Political Environment, Multinational Corporations.