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Marketing Mastermind Magazine:
Can the Indian Model Take on Global Retailing Giants? !

Large format retailing, department stores and discount stores are all perceived as western concepts; and we think of global retailing giants and such others as the sources of inspiration and guidance. However, India is no stranger to innovative retailing. This article explains the unique and very successful business model developed by a retail outlet in a South Indian city, which we identify as the High-Value Store (Name Masked). This store has evolved from being a small traditional outlet to a gigantic discount department store. There are surely other comparable business models being followed by Indian retailers in various retailing sectors in different parts of the country, each of which offers a unique proposition. If only these models can be suitably customized and scaled up, we can perhaps have an Indian version of global retailing giant.


The place looks like a beehive from outside. Surely, it cannot be Disneyland façade that blocks most of the street in this South Indian metropolis. It is difficult to understand the place they call here The High-Value Store, as it simply leaves you clueless. All you can do is to shake your head in disbelief! The phenomenon questions almost every law from the fat books of retail business.

You would expect clothes and jewelery to sell just before a festival; you would expect crowds to shop more on weekends; you would expect majority of shoppers coming out of the store with one shopping bag or less on any given weekday. Well, all that you expect does not apply to this store, which is spread over 7 six-storeyed buildings covering some 1 lakh sq. feet each; in this old commercial area of the city that is experiencing soaring real estate prices.

There are scores of books based on successful retail brands such as Toys R Us, Target, Kmart and Wal-Mart, which are considered as discount department stores in the US. These business models are often quoted or rather misquoted, in the backdrop of the retail upsurge in India, which makes it even more difficult to realize that the concept of superstores delivering high value is not as recent in India as it is often perceived to be.


Marketing Mastermind Magazine, Global Retailing Industries, Global Retailing Giants in India, Marketing Strategies, knowledge Management , Customer Relationship Management, Operational Management, Strategic Management, Organisational Cultur, Indian Technology.