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Marketing Mastermind Magazine:
Multiplex : Emerging Business Model in Film Exhibition

Multiplex is the new business model that emerged a few years back in the film exhibition industry. This format is transforming the entire outlook towards the silver screen and is all set to slowly take over a significant slice of the entertainment market in the country. As it is evolving and transforming into a popular business model, there are certain soft patches to be watched out for. This article focuses on the driving forces that can make this business model a success story.


Cinema viewing is one of the main leisure activities in India. For decades, the silver screen influenced Indians and still continues to do so. It has been a popular source of entertainment for many years. Cinema viewing has always surpassed the other options that emerged as the entertainment industry developed over the years. India is the largest film producing country in the world in terms of the number of films produced, with around 1000 films being produced every year. About two thirds of the Indian film industry's revenue is contributed by domestic and overseas box office sales. When compared to the US where the industry receives only 35% from box office collections, this figure is enormous and reflects the potential of the cinema exhibition sector in the country.

The mid-1990s witnessed rough weather as far as cinema exhibition was concerned. The condition of cinema halls and the rigid options for shows were the major reasons for the downfall of cinema theatres. There were also other reasons such as availability of home video, satellite television, video libraries, etc., which contributed towards detachment of viewers from the cinema halls.

This scenario started changing from the year 2001 when the Government of India declared cinema as an industry. Major transformations took place due to this revolutionary decision. Financiers such as IDBI Bank opened a separate finance wing to finance films. IDBI Bank has since been a major financier for the industry.


Marketing Mastermind Magazine, Film Exhibition Industry, Entertainment Iindustry, Indian Economy, Entertainment Tax , E-ticketing, Indian Multiplex Industry, Business Strategy, Home Video, Satellite Television, Video Libraries, Films Finance Institutions, IDBI Bank, Retail Sector.