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Advertising Express Magazine:
Ambient Advertising : A Perfect Blend of Creativity and Uniqueness

The cuts in the ad budgets and the declining power of the traditional media is prompting the advertisers to use innovative ideas to make their communication effective and noticeable. In this context, the next big `A' of advertising known as `Ambient Advertising' is coming into prominence. This article focuses on the growing need for ambient advertising, its concept and how it can make a mark in the consumers minds if used effectively.


In New York City, a cup of Folgers coffee was placed on the manhole covers with a message on the round of the cup saying "Hey, City That Never Sleeps. Wake up. Folgers." This is ambient advertising, unusual yet effective.

Advertisers can also create an illusion whereby customers can have a feel of using the product also. A very good example of such a strategy was used by a fitness company, which placed dumbbells at various subways. This was successful in creating an illusion that a person who is holding the safety bar is actually doing weights as a physical workout.

Ambient actually comes from a word called ambience that means surroundings. Also known as guerrilla marketing such advertising focuses on the use of an unconventional media or tactics so as to advertise a brand image on a budget that is low. Ambient advertising aims at making the ad campaign outrageous, funny, creative and so shocking that it creates a buzz whereby people are not only involved with the message but at the same time do a lot of word of mouth publicity. Whenever we come across an ad message at a place where it is least expected and has no limitation when it comes to shape or size, one can term it as ambient advertising. It is advertising through an unusual idea that is highly contextual as well as intrusive in nature. It is a kind of outdoor advertising that can be seen at unusual places in a medium that is not commonly found. Examples of ambient advertising include a chocolate ad on a bench of a kid's garden where the seat is all painted with the brand name and the attributes of it, a brand name advertised on the handles of supermarket trolleys. The presence of these ads can be felt at unusual places.

For instance, behind the car park receipts at gas pumps, on elevator walls, telephones, post boxes, escalator steps, shop floors, vending machines, lifts, balloons and even on a toilet seat in a public washroom. These places can be most effectively utilized with lesser cost and even then can help to create a great impact on the viewer. Such advertisements reinforce the message subliminally along with other exposed messages.


Advertising Express Magazine, Ambient Advertising, Advertising Media, Outdoor Advertising, Concord Advertising, Adlabs Theaters, Escalator Advertising, Reliance General Insurance Co-operation Limited, RGIL, Advertising Industry, Advertising Approach, Brand Promotions.