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Effective Executive Magazine:
Preempting Midlife Crisis : The Proactive Measures

Here are the steps for you to inoculate yourself against this creeping disease that some people get before they get Alzheimers or become senile or die.


The world-famous psychologist, Carl Jung, claimed that a `midlife crisis' was a natural and normal part of a healthy maturation process. Some people sail through life without professional or personal upheavals while others create chaos and pain for themselves, their work associates and family members.

Gail Sheehy in her book, New Passages, calls midlife crisis as `a second adulthood' and a chance to be the person we were meant to become.

This wake-up call of the midlife crisis hits men and women alike and although the basic symptoms may be similar, each gender responds to it quite differently. Men seem to seek public validation for their efforts and contributions and women seek more intimacy and satisfaction in their relationships. A midlife crisis may show up at some point in your career. The following symptoms can begin to impact your productivity on your job and in your life.


Effective Executive Magazine, Preempting Midlife Crisis, World-famous Psychologist, Midlife Crisis, Healthy Aging, Video Games, Renewable Natural Resources, Career Enhancements, Executive Mentoring and Coaching, Inc., EMCI, Management Consultant .