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Global CEO Magazine:
Ecological Footprint : Time to Reverse Global Trends

We are witnessing significant threat to our planet due to worrisome changes in the global environment. The factors responsible for this are mainly unsustainable consumption and over exploitation of natural resources. This scenario not only creates a global threat to our planet but it may also lead to the collapse of the ecosystem, resulting in permanent loss of biodiversity and the planet's ability to support life in future. In this context, the article makes the reader vigilant about the malevolent effects of human action on the planet. Essentially, it discusses the major indicator of human pressure on the planet through the concept of ecological footprint and the role of different players of the ecosystem to minimize the environmental threat for a sustainable future.


Digital lifestyle makes us so busy that we are unaware about its impact on the environment. Over the past decade, there has been a severe change in the lifestyle, the way of operation of business houses and also in government policies. Huge deforestation, unchecked emission of greenhouse gases, extensive toxic emissions from industries and automobiles, indiscriminate usage of chemical and fertilizers in the agricultural sector, and extensive usage of non-biodegradable polythene bags on a daily basis, etc., are exposing the life of modern man to major health hazards. Unless we adopt sustainability as a strategy for safe living, human existence on earth will become a matter of challenge in the future. A layman may not be conscious about these facts but statistics shows very awesome figures such as the Ecological Footprint (EF) has exceeded the earth's biocapacity - as of 2003 by about 25%.It means the earth's regenerative capacity will not support life in near future if the unsustainable consumption pattern continues at the present rate. It means the rate at which people are generating waste is faster than the rate nature can turn these wastes back into resources. This growing pressure on ecosystems creates tremendous threat not only to biodiversity but also to the human well-being.

In this context, EF is a most popular indictor to identify and measure consumption pressure not only at an individual level and for corporate entities but also for the whole country.


Global CEO Magazine, Ecological Footprint, Reverse Global Trends, Global Environment, Greenhouse Gases, Ecological Footprint, EF, Business Leaders, Ecological Resources, Natural Resource Management, Environmental Monitoring, Global Ecosystem.