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HRM Review Magazine:
Emotional Intelligence: Lessons from The Bhagvad Gita

Today when the world is witnessing economic crisis, technological isolation and political disturbance, what is required are spiritual standards and emotional intelligence. Emotional Intelligence (EI) is required more than ever today and there is a craving need to understand the human behavior and mind power of the individual. Though The Bhagvad Gita is a masterpiece and was discoursed centuries ago, the timeless lessons it teaches are very well related to the modern day business and management activities. The Gita gives a distinctive flavor to the EI and places itself so well in the current situations of turmoil and stress.


The world is changing at a pace faster than ever before and equally there is a richer pace in the change of human beings as well. In today's scenario the Darwinian concept "Survival of the fittest" applies well with only slight changes in scope and approach. It not only counts on the physical dimensions, but also connects to the spiritual and emotional aspects. In the present scenario, the efficiency and effectiveness of an individual is determined by the Intelligence Quotient (IQ), Spiritual Quotient (SQ) and the Emotional Quotient (EQ) on both personal and the professional fronts. Today, there are amazing patterns in the organizations which pose a heavy demand on leaders and managers to exhibit their emotions smartly and intelligently. Whether we talk of Shuruti's, the Bhagvad or the Ramayana, all are deeply underlying the culmination, exhibition or the control of emotions. Emotions breed because of social environment and our reaction to it and hence, are reflective of our strengths and weaknesses.

In the current scenario, the unpredictable future dimensions and unprecedented changes, the common thread of emotional competency, maturity, sensitivity and sensibility summarizes and concretizes the EI of an individual. When we have come a long way from hunter man's life through egalitarian society to the current business world, it becomes more than essential to understand the role of emotions. Decision-making, managing and leading, all are impossible if the mind is agitated by the waves of emotions. Self-realization is a way to self-management and it can be achieved only through emotional self-control and emotional self-mastery. All our sense organs which work round the clock are capable of generating and emanating vast variety and quantum of emotions. According to management guru Alfred Toffler, we are living in "an age of uncertainty", and thus we require being more emotionally intelligent. Indian scriptures have well put it that "our senses are like wild horses, the body its chariot and the mind its reins, intellect is the driver and if the senses are not controlled, they will throw the chariot into deep abyss." The Bhagvad Gita, which means "song of divine," contains the essence of successful and righteous living. An individual with acumen of EI can make a clear demarcation between right and wrong. Today, when the world is suffering from cultural fragmentation, technological isolation, competition and disturbances, the spiritual illumination from The Gita becomes more urgent than ever in the past. It is appropriate to say that we have developed so much to divide and this is the reason that makes the teachings of The Gita all the more important.


HRM Review Magazine, Emotional Intelligence, Intelligence Quotient, Emotional Quotient, Social Environment, Decision-Making Process, Emotional Competency, Knowledge Economy, Economic Crisis, Business Activities, Cultural Fragmentation, Emotional Swings.