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HRM Review Magazine:
What I Have Come to Believe

I have come to believe this about work, performance and well- being based on this journey. I began working in a food processing plant in Canada when I was 13 making 50 cents an hour. It was a two-month summer job that my mother helped me get while I was in school. I worked hard at this job since I wanted to reflect well on my mother. Most of my workmates were either recent immigrants to Canada from Eastern Europe or relatively uneducated Canadian-born workers. My workmates were older and encouraged me to get an education so I would not have to work in these jobs for the rest of my life.


I was the first member of my family to attend university obtaining a Bachelor's degree in 1960; I worked at this same plant for several summers during this time. I decided that I wanted to become a university professor as I was fortunate to attend the University of Michigan where I obtained a PhD in industrial and organizational psychology. I chose this as my area of specialization based on my summer work experiences and interest in work and organizations.

I have taught in business schools for over 40 years working with MBA students, participating in executive development programs and undertaking research in a number of different areas. Most of my research has been conducted in North America with an increasing amount now being undertaken with colleagues in developing countries. My work experiences have contributed to my development, though not all of my work experiences were positive. Nevertheless all have offered opportunities for reflection, learning and development.


HRM Review Magazine, Executive Development Programs, Career Advancement, Training and Development, Organizational Psychology, Business Schools, Organizational Performance, Organizational Leaders, Career Advancement Opportunities, Industrial Psychology.