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HRM Review Magazine:
Understanding Diversity in Today's Global Workforce and Strategies to Manage and Measure it

With workforce diversity gaining importance, managing it becomes a difficult task for organizations. First step in developing a diversity program is to define what `diversity' means to the organization. The general trend is towards a broader, more inclusive definition, extending beyond visible aspects. There are `hard' reasons for companies to adapt diversity initiatives and inculcate a culture of diversity in their way of thinking.


Changes in the social and eco nomic landscape have brought the issues around equality, ethics and employee diversity to the forefront of the war for talent for organizations working in a global scenario. In the Corporate Leadership Council's research on Attracting and Retaining Critical Talent (2006) diversity is one of the 38 attributes which are most important for attraction and retention in an increased labor market competition and complexity.

With the Indian workforce increasingly constituting greater number of women, Generation Y, mature workers, expatriates and people with disabilities; the diversity issues are now considered important and are projected to become even more important in the future. However, in India it is still an emerging concept for organizations unlike their counterparts in developed countries where diversity in workforce is also a legislative requirement.

With workforce diversity gaining importance, managing it becomes a difficult task for organizations. Managing diversity is about ensuring that all employees have the opportunity to maximize their potential and enhance their self-development and their contribution to the organization. Diversity management is also about recognizing how workforce constituting people from varied backgrounds can bring creativity and new insights to the table. This, in turn, can improve products and services by enhancing efficiency. The creativity and innovation also brings about competitiveness for the organization. But truly understanding the significance of having a diverse workforce, getting the management and employees' buy-in and building a diversity culture in the organization is a complex and challenging task.


HRM Review Magazine, Corporate Leadership Council, Diversity Management, National Center for Promotion of Employment for Disabled People, NCPEDP, National Association of Software and Services Companies, NASSCOM, Infosys Women Inclusivity Network , IWIN, Work-Life Assistance, Indian Organizations.