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MBA Review Magazine:
Entrepreneurial Creativity and Career

Given the state of the economy, there is a possibility that many would be tempted to take the entrepreneurial route. While venturing in this direction, it is better to assess one's own capabilities, values and motives.


In today's difficult economic times, where jobs are drying up because of the global recession and those who are employed are finding it difficult to keep their jobs, many would think of taking the entrepreneurial route. Their thinking in part gets voice and support from those who highlight the virtue and importance of being a job creator rather than just being a job seeker. It is easy to get bitten by this entrepreneurial bug but it would be naïve to believe that everyone and anyone can become an entrepreneur. In this article an attempt has been made to highlight the importance of entrepreneurial creativity for becoming a successful entrepreneur. But, before we discuss about entrepreneurial creativity, it would be pertinent to discuss about career itself.

In today's business world of weakening psychological contract and shortening employment contract, the concept and meaning of career has undergone a metamorphosis. Traditionally, career was an organizational concept in the sense that individuals got hired for life and employees built their careers in line with the growth of the organization. That is, individual growth within the organization and the growth of the organization, to a large extent was intertwined and reciprocal in nature. From this, the concept of career has undergone a tremendous change to become an independent concept. Career today has come to be defined as a series of individual jobs that could largely be seen as progressing from one to the other to provide a meaningful career over the lifespan of an individual's work life. The organization in such a situation has become a vehicle or a means of fulfilling an individual's career objectives.


MBA Review Magazine, Entrepreneurial Creativity, Global Recession, Mid-life Crisis, Socio-economic Backgrounds, Incubation Centers, Psychological Tests, Entrepreneurs, Managerial Competence, Technical Competence, Entrepreneurial Bug.