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MBA Review Magazine:
Entrepreneurial Education and Learning

Utilizing a living case study to facilitate the learning methodology purposefully gives MBA students a sense of ownership over learning and connects class theory investigation with practical real-world business application.


The word `entrepreneur' meaning `one who undertakes or manages', comes from the Old French verb entreprendre meaning `to undertake'. Today, entrepreneurship is viewed as the goal-directed and energized behavior in expectation of potential success with the position that what appear to be obstacles to some individuals are considered as opportunities by entrepreneurs. The recognition and pursuit of an opportunity is essential. Opportunities are not always clearly evident or explicit in nature; the ability to see other possibilities in a given situation and act upon the various options that are available, both currently and in the future, is what differentiates and characterizes entrepreneurial action.

Other aspects include a consideration of the resources that one does not currently control. Resources may include internal capital such as the skills and attributes associated with cognitive ability, willingness to assume risks and persistence in the face of adversity; or external resources that include both human wealth and financial assets. The study of entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship includes multidisciplinary themes and topics including business, education, social fields through new venture creation, venture capital, social ventures, business model innovation, e-commerce, open software, Internet and distance learning, corporate entrepreneurship, global business and markets, and technology research in science and medicine.


MBA Review Magazine, Entrepreneurial Education, Financial Assets, Business Model Innovation, e-commerce, Corporate Entrepreneurship, Global Business, Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, GEM, Business Education, Corporate Environment, Ethical Decision Making.