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Advertising Express Magazine:
Badvertising : Another Shade of the Creative World

Creative and persuasive ads fill the minds of customers with latent information, vis-à-vis the ads that create a negative impact. Creating ads is a herculean task and the process involves great efforts. What one must remember is that if the process followed is bad, the results would also be bad.


Advertising is a technique by which companies try to reach out to their target markets/audiences. Ads act as the intermediary between the company and its customers. Advertisements have always been the best and most effective medium for creating awareness about a product/brand. Advertisers have used advertisements, as vehicles, either for launching a new product or for increasing value addition to any product. Ads bridge the gap between the companies' products and consumer's thinking. Apart from keeping customers informed about the price, product or nature of the product, it is a vehicle for brand creation. A product's success or failure hugely depends on the way it is portrayed by the ads. Generally, first-time buyers make their purchase decisions based on the ads, whereas repeat buyers make the choice depending on the price and quality of the product.

Creating an ad is just not enough, presentation is also equally important. For an ad to be successful, it has to be presented well, must be targeted at the right customers at the right time and in the right manner. Ads fill one's mind with emotions—be it joyful, sorrow, etc. Only those ads that make a lasting impression on the customer's minds are remembered for a long time.

Any advertisement of dubious or unintentionally hilarious quality seen in print, or on TV, or anywhere can be termed as a bad advertisement. An ad that neither conveys any message to the viewers, nor gives them any idea about the product, further leaving them confused, can also be termed as an ambit ad.


Advertising Express Magazine, Badvertising, Creative World, Advertisements, Mobile Service Providers, Cadbury Dairy Milk, Wrong Messages, Industry Marketers, Indian Aviation Industry, Ad Campaign, Sexual Advertisements, Commercial Advertisements.