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Advertising Express Magazine:
Green Advertisements : The New Gold to the Marketer

Green is the new gold for the marketers. This is absolutely true as today, consumers are keen to use more eco-friendly products and are even willing to pay a premium price for the `green' products. Marketers have also found a niche for these green products. Thus, the concept of Green Marketing has emerged. Corporate India has also taken a big leap in this direction. Marketers are using green advertisements to create a good brand image and win the customer's heart (and, of course, the purse).


Green marketing is a concept which has gained momentum in the last few years. This has become all the more vital when our planet is in danger and everybody is keen to protect it. Efforts being taken by environmental agencies like Tree Club, Exnora, etc., are commendable in this context. Corporate India is also not far behind in this race. Going green is in the minds of the business owners and executives now more than ever. They are ready to go an extra mile to create consciousness among the public about the necessity to protect nature. For the marketers, green could be the new gold. They have clearly understood the fact that if the products are produced and marketed through eco-friendly ways, the idea of being nature-friendly can be easily cultivated in the minds of the customers. Such is the power of `Green Marketing'.

Green marketing means marketing of products which are environmentally safe. Thus, it includes a broad range of activities like producing, processing, packing and even advertising with the nature-friendly tinge in it. More and more companies are incorporating the concept of going green into their organizational culture. Companies like Honda, Videocon, Samsung, Philips are concentrating more on producing eco-friendly products. Even retailers are contributing towards this movement. Total, a famous retailer in Bangalore can be cited as an example in this case. The company is promoting the concept of reusable bags for shopping, where the shoppers can use the same carry bag for future purchases. A great step towards making the city plastic free indeed!

The latest in this aspect are advertisements which highlight the importance of being eco-friendly. These ads are called green advertisements. They generally promote the ideas of protecting the nature or promote eco-friendly products or even eco-ideas. Using print, outdoor and electronic media, advertisers are focusing their ads on this innovative and socially responsible concept. Besides creating a good brand image, advertisements which promote eco-friendly ideas can create awareness about what the public can do to conserve energy and other natural resources. Green promotions can thus be beneficial to both the businesses also to the environment in the long run. These green ads also help the public to identify the prevalent environmental ills. The ads also demonstrate how to rectify the problems, which would be beneficial to the entire society. But the marketing campaigns which have the green content should try to explain the benefits the consumers will achieve by being eco-friendly.


Advertising Express Magazine, Green Advertisements, Green Marketing, Natural Resources, Green Promotions, Marketing Campaigns, Panasonic Corporation, Environmental Management, Petroleum Conservation and Research Association, PCRA, Television Commercials, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, FMCG Companies.