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HRM Review Magazine:
Human Relations Skills for Managerial Effectiveness

Human relations skills are recognized as one of the most important skills for managerial success. Human relations at the workplace broadly imply the interaction and cooperation of the people to support and complement their efforts for achieving individual, group and organizational effectiveness. Managers have to essentially play an important role as leaders to coordinate, guide, facilitate, motivate and maintain harmony amongst employees, in order to achieve organizational effectiveness in terms of efficiency, quality of product and services, and the quality of working life of the organizational members. Thus, we can say that managerial skills are a must for all operations in an organization.


In organizational settings, the term `human relations' for the person in managerial position, has a specific connotation. It means the integration of people into a work situation, which motivates them to work together effectively along with providing social, psychological, and economic satisfaction. Keith Davis observed, "Human relations help in motivating people in organizational setting to develop teamwork which accomplishes individual as well as organizational goals effectively."

Unlike the classical organizational school, which talks of organizations without people or the behaviorist school, which speaks of people without organizations, human relations consider organizations and people as the integral parts because organizations must have people and people must have organization, while working towards attainment of goals. The traditional view that organizations and the people try to gain at the cost of the other or the individual and organization have conflicting goals have been proved to be myths by the progressive, modern and the present learning organizations. These organizations have shown ways of organizational effectiveness through individual achievements and their satisfaction of social, psychological and economic needs. Thus, the exploitation by either of them cannot sustain the interest of either the organization or the people in the organization.


HRM Review Magazine, Human Relations Skills, Organizational Effectiveness, Organizational Goals, Leadership Skills, Decision-making Skills, Management Information System, Communication Technology, Decision Support System, Soft Managerial Skills, Human Resources.