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HRM Review Magazine:
Talent Management : A Critical Imperative for Organizations

Talent management, like it or lump it, is here to stay for a long haul and it may the change the way HR department functions. Undoubtedly, people are the biggest source of competitive advantage today. If organizations are keen on leapfrogging the competition, then the talent needs to be seamlessly harnessed and managed. This article examines the imperatives of talent management, the key drivers fuelling the trend towards it, the sense of ownership vis-à-vis talent management and strategies to be adopted to make talent management very effective.


Employees waltz in at work, take a seat at their respective desks that are nestled in a shimmering, sleek and "made-of-glass" cubicles and get ready for their daily grind. But the question that begs an answer is: Will the employees give in their best to propel the company forward? Will the employees give the collective push to the company so much so that it can be catapulted into a big league? Are they committed, engaged and charged enough to help the company outwit the competition and leapfrog its way to the zenith of success? Or will they just cool their heels and wait for better opportunities so that they can leave in search of greener pastures. On the face of it, answer to all these questions may sound deceptively simple, but it has a profound and far-reaching implication for the organization's future and survival. Little wonder, the corridors of the leading companies are resonating with a seductive buzzword called `Talent Management.'

Arguably, talented people are the strongest assets and a rich source of competitive advantage. The best- of-the-breed talent possess "sharp-as razor" intelligence, oodles of confidence and a strong analytical acumen to boot. Besides being strongly motivated, they thrive on stratospheric level of challenges and adrenaline rush. People high on transferable skills are the most prized, much sought-after, highly mobile but equally scarce. Call it a peculiar paradox, irony or esoteric "stuff", the labor market is swarming with legions of people up for grabs of which a few possess the critical employable skills. Organizations have to contend with the most formidable challenges than ever before. At one level, ever-increasing skill shortages, overhanging demographic time bomb, cross-generational and diverse employees and yawning leadership gaps are affecting the organizations. At another level, issues like cost pressures brought to bear by competitors, increasingly demanding customers and emergence of whole new markets are combining in a manner that is lending a greater sense of urgency and immediacy to the subject called `Talent Management'.


HRM Review Magazine, Talent Management, HR Departments, High-power Programs, Business Strategies, Centric Assessments, Performance Management Processes, Top Management, Global Human Capital, Human Resource Department, Corporate Branding.