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Advertising Express Magazine:
The Importance of Corporate Communication

In today's business environment change and crisis are like dawn and dusk. How do you manage your communications targeted at all stakeholders in turbulent times? The article gives more insight on effective communication.

Corporate communication is defined as an "ongoing process, incorporating activities that inform, lead, listen to and involve workers, with the ultimate aim of motivating employee behavior. Effective communication is strategic, `leader driven' and seeks to build an understanding among employees about the vision and direction of the business"1. It also denotes the process through which a company communicates its messages to a variety of stakeholders including investors, customers, employees, current and potential partners, special interest groups, national and international government bodies and communities and the media. The extended definition also includes areas like corporate advertising and advocacy, employee communications, investor relations, media management, government relations and strategic communication. It is essential to distinguish corporate communication from `spin doctory' that attempts to "alter the facts through a deliberate and reckless disregard for the truth"2.

Corporate communication has gained increasing importance ever since the managements realized the importance of crafting the messages of the company in a manner that would ensure cooperation from the parties involved. It offers the top management an opportunity to leverage the power of "deliberate, coordinated and strategically targeted communication to build support, maintain stability and reshape attitudes and behavior"3 to achieve the desired objectives. As Phyllis J Piano, vice-president of corporate communications at `Raytheon', a US-based supplier of defense and aerospace systems said, " If you want to be a top leader, you need to understand your obligations to the various audiences in terms of communication. You need to tell your story effectively. The difference between those who are at a high level and those who can't get there is the ability to articulate vision and strategy to a broad audience


Importance of Corporate Communication, business environment , stakeholders,Corporate communication ,employees ,top management, build support, maintain stability , reshape attitudes ,behavior, audiences,strategy,