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Advertising Express Magazine:
Cradle the Kid

Targeting tiny tots is by no means a trivia. They are moody, fickle-minded, discerning and variety seeking. If they approve of the offer today, it does not mean that they are going to buy it again tomorrow. How to cuddle the tough nut? The article traces several issues ranging from empathy to ethics.

Kids are a goldmine for marketers considering their expenditure of US$1 tn across the globe in 2002. They form a powerful and smart consumer group. according to the survey conducted by Martin Lindstorm for his book, BrandChild, US$25 bn was spent last year on the advertising aimed at them. Parents today are willing to spend their extra income in satisfying these little bundles of joy. marketers are luring them with attractive offers. Smaller family sizes imply fewer children and therefore, a larger share of parents' attention and wealth.

Kids are defined differently by different marketers. Some define them as below ten years of age and others extend the age limit to 12 years, and some extend it to even 15 years of age. One of the most important recent developments in advertising has been the defining of a "tween" market (ages 8 to 12). This term has been defined by Martin Lindstorm in his book, Brandchild, where he explores the distinctive features and changing trends in the tweens today. This segment lies between little children and the teens. They are at a stage where they have begun to develop their sense of identity and are anxious to cultivate a strong self-image. Some critics accuse marketers of forcing tweens to grow up quickly by offering them goodies of their elder counterparts, hence hastening their development from childhood to teens. Teens is definitely the most desirable span of the lifetime, those below it, want to go fast forward and become teens and those who have passed it, want to go backwards and relive it. The marketers exploit the pre-teens by offering products of teens to them.


Cradle the Kid,ethics, goldmine , consumer group,little bundles , wealth,advertising , developments , segment , products , development,generations,market researcher ,advertisers,market ,decision-making process,demands, television , Internet,