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Advertising Express Magazine:
Yet Another Screen

Customer's "attention" is the paramount factor for all advertisers. They try to reach him at the right place, the right time and with the right message only to capture his attention. If they fail, nothing can be achieved; they can neither alter his behavior nor persuade him to buy products. Several screens (outdoor, television, film, computer, mobile) in the market try to attract customer attention. This article explores how "yet another screen" is vying to accomplish it.

When Tivos1 empowered customers to block commercials on television, the advertising industry suddenly felt that its future was in jeopardy. Naturally, the industry searched for viable alternatives to capture the most scarce and the most sought-after resource—"customer attention". The search radar stumbled on a new screen. Unlike television, computer and mobile screens, which can be maneuvered as per customer's whims and fancies, this screen cannot be zapped or closed down by the customer. On the other hand, it captures his attention in a convenient location where he is receptive, and on top of it, if he desires to gratify his need, this screen provides him the needed money too! Financial institutions previously considered this screen as a mere interface that facilitates financial transactions with the customer. But now, they re-look at the potential opportunities thrown open by this "yet another screen". Any guesses as to what could be this screen? Indeed you might be close. It is the ATM screen.

Automated Teller Machine (ATM) made its appearance in marketplace, when a small community bank in Canandaigua, New York, installed what was then known as a Customer Bank Communications Terminal (CBCT) at an offsite location. Since then, the machine underwent metamorphosis to evolve into today's web-enabled advanced ATM. In the past, it was a mere money spigot for customers and for banks, a non-branch interface. But today, ATMs are profit-drivers for banks, and for customers a one stop shop for majority of their commercial transactions.


Another Screen,Customer's "attention",outdoor, television, film, computer, mobile,buy products,commercials on television,advertising industry,Financial institutions,financial transactions,Customer Bank Communications Terminal , customers, commercial transactions.