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CRM: Automated Call Centers

Call centers are the common touchpoints that either make or break a corporate brand. If managed properly, call centers yield immense cost benefits. This article explains in detail the advantages and disadvantages of automated call centers. The insights are useful for the brand manager as managing every touchpoint is vital.

As more and more companies are adopting CRM as the most important business strategy to attract and retain valuable customers, a high-quality customer service has become strategically imperative. All innovative organizations are leveraging the call centers (also known as customer contact centers, customer service centers, customer interaction centers) to gain competitive advantage by providing high-quality service to the customers, using the latest Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Delivery of quality service to customers can be very expensive in terms of capital and resources. Some organizations even after spending vast sums of money on call centers realize slowly that they are not achieving their stated objectives. Establishing and managing state-of-the-art call centers that are capable of providing high-quality service can be a major challenge for the companies.



call centers, corporate brand, automated call centers, touchpoint, leveraging, interaction and communication technologies, ICT, consumer data, computer telephony integration, CTI, call tracking, queue management, entitlement processing, problem resolution, performancemeasuremen, service management .