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Advertising Express Magazine:
Winning Customer Loyalty through Enterprise Branding

Fighting the defection of customers is a major concern today for the corporates. Mushrooming of "me-toos" or clones in the market dilutes the brand value created by the companies. Companies are gradually moving from offering Unique Selling Propositions (USP) to offering Unique Value Propositions (UVP). Convincing the consumers to buy and encashing their loyalties has proved to be a Herculean task for many. Companies are faced with the challenge to sustain the superior value offerings to achieve UVP. These enterprises create a brand image, not for the products/services they offer, but for the whole enterprise. This article aims at offering insights about value creation and delivery in line with customer expectations, and winning and tracking customer loyalty in the process of developing enterprise branding.



The concept of corporate branding may have belonged to domestic and multinational companies of the super business league, but there are small and medium business enterprises enjoying a miniature version of corporate branding which could be termed as enterprise branding. Unlike the behemoths that spend billions on image building exercises through corporate social responsibility activities, these enterprises build their image through offering superior value proposition to their customers. These enterprises do not promote their individual product/service offerings; they promote the whole enterprise through their offerings. These offerings ensure the winning of customer loyalty which is crucial to their survival and success. Not just winning customer loyalty, these enterprises also make the customers contribute considerably to the business. These enterprises enjoy maximum customer loyalty, though some of them offer no services and, sometimes, even intimidate the customers. Yet, the customers stay with them as they perceive the UVP from the enterprises. It shows clearly that customers would be willing to stay and contribute even when the companies offer no services, yet offer the value the customers expect from them.

Customer loyalty is the crucial factor which decides the boon or bane of a company. Companies spend billions to build a brand value for the products/services in order to woo consumers who buy, consume, are satisfied, stay and contribute to the companies' exchequers. Present scenario witnesses the mushrooming of products/services which have more or less similar offerings that confuse the target consumers.


Advertising Express Magazine, Unique Selling Propositions, Unique Value Propositions, Enterprise Branding, Corporate Branding, Multinational Companies, Business Enterprises, Corporate Social Responsibility, Customer Loyalty, Corporate Communications Campaign, Small and Medium Enterprises, SMEs.