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Advertising Express Magazine:
Star Power : Enhancing Brand Equity

Amitabh Bachchan! Today, the acting icon is synonymous with Pepsi in soft drinks, Cadbury's in chocolates, Eveready in batteries, Maruti Versa in automotives, Emami Boroplus in antiseptic creams, Dabur in diet supplements, Reid & Taylor in apparels, ICICI in financial services, and of course Nerolac in the world of paints. Not only Big B, celebrities from different spheres made their presence in every sort of publicity campaign—from sophisticated laptops to daily detergents. The star endorsements are exploding and the old organizations are now clutching at expensive straws to survive the cut-throat competition. Does star power really work? Does it actually help to enhance the market share of the brands? Does it push the consumer towards the product because his favorite star is the brand ambassador for the product? This article tries to highlight some of the issues related to celebrity endorsements.



In a country teeming with a billion faces, it is hardly possible to remember every person. How many faces do you remember in your day-to-day life? Still, many faces evoke some kind of feelings whether it is humor, acceptance, appreciation or recognition, which distinguishes them from the rest. Sometimes, you may turn to look at a face that would stop you in your tracks. Why does it occur? That's when a personality is more than just a face that reflects certain basic values that are quite distinct from others. These personalities are widely recognized by the public for carving a reputation in their chosen silos.

We are not only living in a secular and democratic society but in an overcommunicated space where 130 television channels broadcast over three million television commercials each year. In this existing cluttered media scenario, the need to stand out has become paramount. It is a wise decision for an advertiser to associate a synergizing personality with a product and the mantra for instant breakthrough into the market, which is an ideal way to ensure brand prominence. This step may attract potential consumers to know more about the product, identify himself with it and want to become a part of the brand by touching it, feeling it and experiencing it; thus, fulfilling the company's sales target.


Advertising Express Magazine, Brand Equity, Star Power, Financial Services, Celebrity Endorsements, Brand Ambassadors, Indian Film Stars, Indian Advertising, Market Shares, Canvassing Process, Election Campaigns, Promotional Strategies, Product Categories, Corporate India, Indian Companies.