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Advertising Express Magazine:
Taking IT to Rural Indian Markets

The IT scenario in rural India is still in its infancy, but its adoption has a tremendous scope for agricultural productivity and business. The use of Community Information Centers (CIC), solution centers, video conferencing, Internet & digital economy, electronic commerce, global Internet business, multimedia communication, and Information Technology (IT) will boost the agri-business. Implementation of IT in rural business is going to play a key role in the coming years in expanding the Indian rural business environment.



As the world moves into the 21st Century, the pace of globalization and growth of new technologies are fueling both economic prosperity and human advancement. The Internet is more than an information revolution, it has begun to transform the way of life and business on the whole. Three-fourths live in rural India and do agri-based business, and it is essential to bring rapid and sustainable development there if the benefits of the information revolution are to be equitably dispersed. To achieve this, various programs are using IT as a tool for effective agri-based market promotion to be implemented towards improving the living conditions. Better environment in Indian rural markets promotes their business effectively, efficiently, and in a systematic and scientific manner.

People of rural India need information and decision-making tools for better farming and for other day-to-day operations, which will improve their quality of life and also empower them. At present, villagers or rural people depend on information that reaches them by various means such as extension personnel, pamphlets, posters, radio, TV, etc.; but it is often not sufficient. To maximize earnings and efficiency, environmental quality concerns and sustainability must also be considered in keeping with the constraints of the resource characteristics of rural India. To achieve this, a better understanding of site-specific information system is needed to cater to the specific needs of the rural community.


Advertising Express Magazine, Rural Indian Markets, Agricultural Productivity, Community Information Centers, Multimedia Communication, Global Internet Business, Electronic Commerce, Indian Rural Business Environment, Decision-Making Tools, Decision Support Systems, Integrated Service Digital Network, ISDN, Electronic Data Interchange, EDI, Agri-business Components, Global Internet Business, Web-based Electronic Commerce, Supply Chain Management.