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Advertising Express Magazine:
Neuromarketing Searching for Buy Buttons in the Consumer's Brain : Marketing Strategy

Instead of just taking a consumer's words for granted on why they prefer one product/advertisement over another, now corporates are using the latest brain scanning techniques to reach the roots of the consumer's desires. Neuromarketing uses medical technology known as Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (FMRI) to identify the patterns of brain activity that reveals how a consumer actually responds and evaluates a product, service or advertisement. It aims at understanding how and why a customer develops relationship with the product, brand and the company itself.



Traditional marketers might think that they can sell any product after putting their best efforts on promotional activities without considering the real needs and wants of the customers. But modern marketers realized that "identifying and satisfying customers' needs and wants" is the only key to success. Modern marketing begins with identifying needs and wants of the target market and ends with the customers' satisfaction. At the same time, it is a big challenge for marketers to identify the real needs and wants of the customers in order to develop and offer the most preferred products and services that match with their expectations.

Harvard Business School Professor, Gerald Zaltman, says that 95% of our decisions to purchase takes place in the subconscious mind and most of these unconscious and subconscious factors affecting decision-making of consumers are missed by traditional research methods like focus group and survey method. Marketers focus on the remaining 5% because of its visibility to them. The question looms large before modern marketers as to how they can reach the subconscious mind of the customers. In answer to this, modern marketers realized that the only way for their products to be loved is if they are designed to meet the customers' unconscious needs, and the only way for the company to be loved is if it supplies these products and conducts the entire customer experience with a matched concern and affection. Emotion is critical to effective thinking and decision-making.


Advertising Express Magazine, Neuromarketing, Marketing Strategy, Brain Scanning Techniques, Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging, FMRI, Medical Technology, Traditional Marketers, Modern Marketing, Decision-making Process, Brand Knowledge, Marketing Campaigns, Broadcasting Advertisement, Political Advertisements, Business Houses.