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Advertising Express Magazine:
Future of Online Advertising in India



As the world is moving into an era of e-commerce, studies relating to it clearly show an upward trend in global online shopping. The websites are designing and devising innovative advertisements in order to attract potential customers. The basic purpose of any advertisement is to inform, communicate and convince the customers about the product's desirability, thereby, creating a demand for it in the marketplace. Online advertisements are one of the strongest media due to their low-cost and speed of communication, and are an effective way to reach anybody, anytime and anywhere in the world.

Globalization and economic liberalization have become common phenomena throughout the world. Countries have started becoming borderless and this process has gathered pace with the introduction of new communication technologies. Technologies related to telephones, televisions, computers and data transmission channels have evolved with the help of satellite technologies in providing consumers with easy and quick access to information and knowledge. The latest addition, the Internet, has proved a boon to marketers in boosting the sales of their products. Naturally, these developments demand marketers to review their advertising techniques.


Advertising Express Magazine, Online Advertising, E-commerce, Global Online Shopping, Innovative Advertisements, Economic Liberalization, Globalization, Advertising Techniques, Business Firms, Advertising Industry, Traditional Advertising, Internet Advertising, Web Advertisements, Internet Marketing.