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Advertising Express Magazine:
"Shh..." in the Paradigm of Confused Image-connect


It is imperative to transfer the image of a likely personality to a product like perfume to create a sensation in the marketplace. It is indeed a great idea of an Indian entrepreneur to launch Shh..., a perfume of premium category through the image-connect of Jade Goody, a UK TV celebrity, now famous in India, thanks to the Shilpa Shetty controversy.

It is essential for a product like Shh... to have a strong imagery effect to become saleable. Shh... may be a product without much content, but may ride heavily on imagery; hence, a strong celebrity back-up may help. The fundamentals of the imagery effect are slightly different here. Creation of ad for Shh.. will be different. As I understand from a senior ad personality in Delhi, it is nothing but a bizarre state of mind. It starts with "Confusion" leads to "Utter Confusion" and finally leads to the "Bizarre". Consumers do not understand the content of the product, but are swayed by the luring effect of strong imagery.

In my opinion, if Shh...'s creativity and a little bit of "sensuality" is used it may allure the new generation of young customers who feel everything in this world is casual, nothing is serious. They feel sex is an integral part of their life and sexual gratification is nothing new. People in this cluster, may prefer Shh... because they may feel the imagery of the brand with celebrity Goody's status-connect may enhance their lifestyle image. This is how people in this category rummage more for status or image rather than the content. People also look for a very strong image-connect.


Advertising Express Magazine, Mental-Connect, Image-Connect, Marketing Pundits, Indian Entrepreneur, International Image-Connect, Big Brother Show, Jade Goody, Indian Consumers, Shilpa Shetty, Brand Ambassador, Brand Culture.