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Global CEO Magazine:
Silat and the fine art of negotiation

The article shares the interesting parallels drawn from Silat, the Malay martial arts of self-defence, which is indigenous and popular in Southeast Asia. It applies Silat's various learning points to the fine art of negotiations in business. What is critically assessed here is the portrayal of Silat and the key negotiation parallels.


Silat, `fighting by using techniques of self-defence', is a Southeast Asian martial art with roots in the culture of the Malay World. This art is widely known in Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei, Philippines, and Singapore but can also be found in varying degrees among the Malay-affiliated communities in Thailand.

Negotiation can be defined as: "A formal bargaining or an informal discussion between two parties, each increases his or her influence over the other party. One increases one's influence so as to win the other party over to one's point of view, and in doing so, getting what one wants. (Low, 2005: 55).

There are many strategies, ways and techniques to apply when negotiating. It is the author's contention that Bersilat, the word given to the act of practising silat can be specifically applied to effective negotiation. Thus in this article, the objectives are to draw a gamut of silat parallels or learning points as applied to the fine art of successful negotiation.


Global CEO Magazine, Silat, Southeast Asian Martial Art, Malay-affiliated Communities, Indian Martial Arts, Bankruptcy, Supernatural Powers, Business of Negotiations, Negotiation Skills, Silat Negotiator, Negotiation Weaponry.