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Global CEO Magazine:
Co-opetition and the art of competitive collaboration

Competition is no longer the mainstay of business. Today's mega corporations and small businesses alike have realized that in order to compete effectively, they must also cooperate successfully, sometimes with the very entities they are competing with. If this Janus-faced approach seems to be a contradiction of terms, this article provides a deep insight into how global corporations are managing this strange animal co-opetition so effectively.


Business dynamics is going to be very different in the new millennium. The only thing constant will be changeand whether this sounds like a hackneyed cliché or not, it is a grim reality for business corporations the world over. Learning will continue to be importantbut unlearning and relearning will become important because fast changing business cycles and climates could require a total volte-face in the business strategies of megalith corporations of this millennium, which is why they will not just have to learn, but unlearn and relearn, as well.

It wasn't long ago that companies either competed against other companies in the same sector, or struck up merger or other collaborative alliances with othersall of which made perfect business sense. It was as simplistic as this - the imperfections of a protected market threw up several possibilities of arbitrage, high margin profitability and captive customer segments on the grounds of which companies could either compete or cooperate for joint ventures and added corporate muscle. But these strategies have become archaic and companies find it impossible to identify assured markets to compete on in an age of globalization.


Global CEO Magazine, Mega Corporations, Global Corporations, Business Dynamics, Business Strategies, Globalization, Strategic Alliances, Commodities Sectors, Even Pharmaceuticals, Strategic Collaboration, Public Sector Banks, Banking Services, Federation of Indian Export Organizations, FIEO, Aviation Turbine Fuel, Mergers and Acquisitions, E-business, Electronic Data Interchange, EDI, SWOT Analysis.